Bed Bugs & DIY Insecticides
Snails, Bed Bugs & DIY Insecticides:
Below are a couple of pictures of snails using our bait boxes for a hibernation site for the Winter. We have had Rats, Mice, Wasp, Bumble Bees, Frogs, Toads even Grass Snakes using bait boxes as cover or nesting sites. Because the poison bait the box contains takes up to 10 days to kill rats or mice it is not unusual for rats or mice to use these bait boxes for nesting. These boxes that have been used by rats or mice become very attractive to other rats or mice after the occupants have left or died because of the smell they have left behind. This is why in rat and mouse jobs ‘old’ boxes are always preferable to new ones as rats and mice will take bait sooner from these smelly boxes than the new ones. Rats especially are afraid of new objects. This is called Neophobia.content/uploads/2013/11/20131112_113140.jpeg”>
We have numerous calls of this type: Today a lady phoned asking about the length of time she should leave a room after treating the mattress for bed bugs. She had bought a spray from the internet and wanted help on how to use it. We could not advise as we did not know what was in the spray or in what proportions. Treating a bed bug infestation yourself will fail. We like to consider ourselves at PEST UK as experts in bed bug control but occasionally we have problems. Many companies don’t offer guarantees, some won’t even treat bed bugs and others just offer multiple insecticide sprays. Successful bed bug control relies on many factors: Preparation, hygiene, size of the room, temperature & use of the room afterwards. We ask our prospective customers to strip the bed, remove curtains, clothes, books, shoes in fact all objects that cannot be sprayed. These removed items must be washed, tumble dried or frozen before going back into the treated rooms. Insecticide will not work on dirty or dusty surfaces so the rooms must be clean. Small rooms are more difficult to control as bed bugs that commute in (usually the fertile females) don’t have to cross such a large treated area before getting to the host. Bed Bugs only emerge to feed at night as long as the room is warm and they can detect carbon dioxide.
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