Protect Chimneys from Bees & Birds
Prices from £200/£230 +VAT
To protect chimneys from honeybees & birds call 0800 026 0308
Why do chimneys need protecting from honeybees?
Honeybees like to nest in dry cavities such as chimneys. However they are a huge nuisance, particularly as a colony can comprise several thousand bees. Not only will they be noisy but they can get into your home. Beeswax is a fire hazard so an open fire isn’t possible. If a gas appliance is venting into a chimney it can’t be used as the consequences could be fatal.
A honeybee nest will live for many years unless you get rid of it. During the winter it will be semi-dormant but artificial heat and light may bring the bees out of hibernation and lead them into your home.
A swarm of honeybees may find its way into your chimney. The swarm needs to be removed quickly before the bees start building a nest or getting into your home.
Why is it difficult to get rid of a bee nest from a chimney?
To completely eradicate a bee nest from a chimney is a difficult task. It has to be done when the nest is completely active and usually can only be accessed from the roof, requiring two people with a roof ladder. As a last resort, PEST UK may have to use insecticide to destroy the bees. To prevent bees from other colonies being contaminated by the insecticide a net has to be placed over the chimney. Afterwards the chimney will need to be swept to remove beeswax and any debris from the nest as this is flammable.
A wasp nest is easier to get rid of as it only lasts a year. During the winter you may see wasps coming out of a chimney from the old nest as queen wasps could be hibernating in there.
How to prevent honeybees and wasps from accessing a chimney
Preventing honeybees getting back into a chimney after they have been removed is the most practical and bee-friendly solution. Honeybees will try to return to their nest or new honeybees and wasps will be attracted to any residual beeswax left in the chimney cavity. The best way is to install bee mesh at the top of the chimney which prevents access. PEST UK will also check that there are no other ways honeybees can access the chimney and will seal any cracks in the masonry and leading surrounding the stack.
What problems are caused by a jackdaw nest in a chimney?
Jackdaws are the most likely birds to nest in a chimney. This causes lots of problems as they build their nests by pushing twigs down into the chimney pot until they are wedged tight. This can take a huge amount of twigs as lots fall down the chimney before a base is formed.
- Large amounts of twigs and debris fall down the chimney into the fireplace
- Twigs jammed into a chimney pot are very difficult to remove
- A nest can only be removed if the young birds have left
- The birds produce large amounts of droppings which smell unpleasant
- Nesting birds and their young are noisy
- Birds’ nests have mites, ticks, fleas and beetles which can find their way into your home
A jackdaw can fall down the chimney and land in the fireplace below. As the bird falls it disturbs soot in the chimney and dislodges twigs as it falls, making a mess in the fireplace and also spreading soot onto the carpets and walls as it flies around the room in a panic.
When a fireplace is disused and blocked up a jackdaw can get down the chimney and become trapped within the chimney breast.
How to prevent jackdaws and other birds from accessing a chimney
- Fitting a cowl or wire balloon to the top of the chimney pot stops jackdaws from gaining access
- If the fireplace is disused and blocked up, the chimney pot can be capped although it will still need to let in air for ventilation
- Bird Free repellent gel can be placed next to the chimney pot because it deters birds from the whole area
PEST UK’s Guarantee
- We guarantee the materials we use – mesh, wire balloon, cowl – for 6-months.
- Bird Free repellent gel is guaranteed for 6-months if left undisturbed.
How much does it cost?
From £200/£230 +VAT
PEST UK are a member of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association)