Get Rid of Pharaoh Ants
Prices from £150 +VAT
To get rid of pharaoh ants from your home or business premises call 0800 026 0308
How much does it cost to get rid of pharaoh ants?
Insecticide spray and/or bait application from £216 +VAT
Pharaoh ants are a tropical species now found in virtually every area of the world. These small ants are 1.5-2mm in length), yellow or light brown and almost transparent are a major nuisance in buildings. They spread and breed very quickly as each colony contains many queens, each laying hundreds of eggs in her lifetime, allowing the colony to fragment into new colonies faster. The queens mate in the nest and breed continuously throughout the year.
Why use a professional company to remove Pharaoh ants?
Pharaoh ants are extremely difficult to control using traditional insecticides. Our technicians use a specialised baiting technique to destroy the developing ants in the nests, including the queens, so that the reproduction of ants ceases. This is because the ants will create new nests if they detect conventional insecticides which will stop the baiting working. It is essential that the ants are not killed or obstructed in any way during treatment so that they can feed on the bait and return to their nests.
Preparation you must undertake prior to treatment
- Don’t disturb ant nests so our technicians can see the signs of the ants’ activity.
- Once treated, the ants have to be tolerated for several weeks before activity ceases.
- Any other sources of food and water must be removed.
- It is vitally important that
• conventional insecticide sprays and powders are not used during treatment. This is because the ants will create new nests if they detect conventional insecticides which will stop the baiting working.
• the ants are not killed or obstructed in any way during treatment so that they can feed on the bait and return to their nests.
Products we use
The technician will state which insecticide has been used on the report they give you after they have completed the treatment. Click each product to access its safety data sheet. All insecticides are biodegradable, almost odourless, non-tainting and don’t corrode or stain.
How our treatment works
The objective of our treatment is to kill the queens to stop the colony reproducing and getting larger. To do this we use bait containing an indoxacarb that destroys the developing ants in the nests including the queens. The bait contaminates the ants which come into contact with it, and as they don’t die instantly they contaminate the other ants and larvae when they return to their nests and eventually they all die.
Once treated, the ants have to be tolerated for several weeks before activity ceases. It is vitally important that conventional insecticides sprays or powders are not used during the treatment period. Using these can lead to a treatment failure because the nests will fragment into new colonies if they detect insecticides applied in this way. They must be left to feed and return to the nest(s) with the bait. Any other sources of food and water should be removed.
If treating within a communal building it is important that we treat all the properties at the site.
The bait laid down is not poisonous to humans or animals. It only effects certain types of insects.
Facts about pharaoh ants
The worker Pharaoh ants yellow or light brown, almost transparent, 1.5–2.0mm long. They have a non-functional stinger used to generate pheromones. Males are about 3 mm long, black and winged but they don’t fly. Queens are dark red and 3.6–5.0mm long and have wings but don’t fly. They lose their wings soon after mating From egg to sexual maturity, it takes the pharaoh ant about 38 to 45 days, depending on temperature and relative humidity.