Rats - PEST UK

Providing pest control services in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Kent, London, Middlesex, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey, West Midlands, West Sussex, Wiltshire. Est. 1985.

Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Rats

Frequently asked questions about rats:

Rats are considered dangerous as they can transmit fatal diseases to humans. Rats can transmit disease if they bite or scratch a human but also by leaving their droppings and urine around the home. Humans can also get sick when a rat contaminates their food or run across countertops where food is prepared. Rats also pose a fire hazard by chewing cables.

Only shooting, trapping, or other physical methods will kill rats instantly. Trapping rats rarely deals with the whole infestation as they are very clever and will often outsmart the trapper.

Rats are attracted to food and shelter. Leftover food waste and overflowing bins are a brilliant source of food for rats. Rats also seek shelter, particularly during winter to avoid the worst of the cold.

Rats are afraid of other large animals, birds of prey, people, and sudden noise. As naturally nocturnal creatures, rats are also apprehensive in daylight.

Rats will not attack a person as we are too big. A rat may bite if you attempt to catch it which can be dangerous as rats can carry a disease called ‘rat-bite fever’.

Onions can act as a repellent to rats due to their offensive smell however onions do not generally kill rats. Raw onion can be toxic to rats if eaten in large quantities.

Bleach will not keep rats away indefinitely. Rats may not like the strong smell of bleach initially, but as extremely adaptable animals they will likely get over their fear of the odor.

Rat poison is the only food that will kill rats.

There are many smells rats find offensive however no one smell will keep them away indefinitely. Rats are extremely adaptable animals and they will likely get over their fear of a repellant odor quickly.

Rats are naturally nocturnal creatures and prefer to work at night. Rats may come out during the day if a sufficient food source is available or if the infestation is large and some rats are being bullied out by more dominant rats.

Bait is often the most successful way of outsmarting a rat infestation as they learn from the mistakes of the other member of their mischief (a group of rats).

Rats prefer food with high protein content such as nuts, meat, etc. They will eat almost anything though and are extremely adaptable if their favourite food source isn’t available.