Top 5 April Pests - PEST UK

Top 5 April Pests

In Pests

Top 5 April Pests

As April and Spring are approaching us more calls are made to us at PESTUK. People are going out into their gardens again and the days last longer so people are outside more and more as the weather improves. The top 5 April pests are as follows-


The worker ants will enter homes foraging for food, especially sweet substances. They are not a risk to human health, however they can be present in large enough numbers to cause a nuisance. The ants will certainly be coming from several nests so locating one nest and destroying that will have a limited effect on the problem.Top 5 April Pests

Prior to treatment the effected areas must be made clean. Cupboards must be emptied and toys, pets etc be removed from the area. Insecticides work best on clean, dust free surfaces. The technician will use either a combination of residual insecticide and gel baits or just one method, depending on your situation.


House flies are common across the world. The larvae, or maggots, feed on rotting organic material or animal faeces. The adults will travel several miles to feed, mate and lay their eggs. Flies carry diseases. spoil food and are a nuisance in domestic premises. House Flies & Lesser House Flies are also a problem in stables and animal shelters as well as in refuse/ recycling centres.Top 5 April pests

Treatment will depend on the circumstances. A combination approach may include insecticide application, fly screening removing the breeding site. A common domestic treatment involves us applying a residual insecticide to the walls, floors and ceilings. This kills flies as they land on the treated surfaces.


You will become aware of bees and their nesting area as they enter a hole in the ground or in a wall or roof. Where they nest often depends on the type of species. It may be unnecessary to destroy the nest. This will only be done when there is a risk to people. Either because of blocking a pipe or chimney that gas comes out of. Or because of a high likelihood of being stung. It may be possible in some cases to remove the nest, but this is rare.Top 5 April pests

The technician will be able to tell you what sort of bees are present. Usually this will be either Bumble Bees, Honey Bees or a wild species such as masonry or mining bees. An insecticide will be used to treat the nest. If the nest is in a chimney then 2 technicians will be required.


The weather in April effects the wasp population for the rest of the year. The Queens will now remain in the nest while the new workers take over the duties of nest building, rearing of grubs and the collection of food for the Queen and the new grubs. Wasps are aggressive and will sting readily if they think their nest is in danger. We advise not to attempt blocking any holes up, as this will make them angry and aggressive but will not kill the nest, they will just find another entrance and may even come inside the house.Top 5 April pests

Nests are made of a grey or brown structure similar to paper mache. If a wasp nest is not treated it will eventually die out. However before this happens the nest will produce around 100 fertile Queens that will hibernate and start nests the following year.

Carpet and Clothes Moths

When pieces of standing furniture are moved you may notice damage. Or when a not often used item of clothing is removed from storage damage is noticed. High wool content clothes and carpets will be fed on by the larvae, not the adult forms. Moth infestations will cause damage to clothes and to carpets, if not controlled they will just increase in number.Top 5 April pests

We recommend that before the technician arrives areas in and around the infested areas should be cleaned. Carpets vacuumed and furniture moved. We will then treat carpets, wardrobes, drawers etc in the infested areas with one (or more) insecticides.


PESTUK are full members of the BPCA, the governing body for pest control in the UK. Using a BPCA member company ensures you have a qualified, fully insured company treating your pest problem.

PESTUK have offices in BalhamOxfordGuildfordEnfield, Potters Bar, Reading,  SheppertonWantage,  SalisburySt Albans, Stevenage and Ware.

Call us on 0330 100 2811 to book an appointment regarding- Top 5 April Pests, or any other pest problem you may have.


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