Squirrels - PEST UK


In Pests, Squirrels

Squirrels in a Suspended Ceiling

Recently one of our pest control technicians (Stephen Nice) visited a school with a grey squirrel problem. They had entered a flat roof through a hole in the sofa board and had built a nest (a squirrel’s nest is called a drey) in the suspended ceiling. It is important to say at this stage that the hole in the sofa board should not be repaired until after this family has been eliminated. If any attempt to do this is made before then they will do damage trying to get back in. They are more likely to do this at this time of year as (as in this case) there were young in the drey.
Squirrels by the BPCA
Grey Squirrel in April Feeding on spilt bird food
They may look and act cute but they are vermin. They kill and eat baby birds and their eggs. They damage trees and plants and have resulted in the demise of the native British red squirrel. Feeding grey squirrels makes the situation worse and studies have shown that the denser the population level then the less song birds are present in the area. They are originally from North America and were introduced to parks in Victorian times.
More on Squirrels from PESTUK
Squirrels pests
Pest Control Treatment for Grey Squirrels

PESTUK offer a guaranteed treatment for grey squirrels. Not all pest control companies have the confidence to guarantee the elimination of this difficult pest. Many pest control companies charge ‘per visit’. This initially seems quite cheap but it can work out very costly, with numerous visits, a large bill and you may still have squirrels! Our technicians use a combination of traps and poisons. Typically a squirrel treatment will take between 2 and 4 visits. There is a fixed price of £135 + VAT.

If you have any questions about squirrels or want to book a squirrel treatment then phone PEST UK on 0330 100 2811 (local rate) or 0800 026 0308 (free from land lines & some mobiles).

PESTUK cover a wide area of Southern Central England, including West London.


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