Pigeons Under Solar Panels - PEST UK

Pigeons Under Solar Panels

In Bird & Pigeon Proofing

Pest UK are specialists in protecting solar panels from pigeons and other birds.

solar panels with proofing

Our technician installing proofing to solar panels

We install high quality galvanised mesh around sides of solar panels to prevent pigeons from nesting underneath them. This method is 100% effective and almost invisible to the naked eye, so no ugly spikes sticking up.

The mesh we use has been designed exclusively for use with solar panels. Strips of mesh are fastened under the lip of the panels using special clips manufactured solely for this purpose. The solar panel proofing mesh is almost invisible after it has been installed. The design of the mesh ensures that panel ventilation remains unaffected.

If you have solar panels you will need to have them pigeon-proofed. Pigeons love solar panels, they provide a perfect space to roost, and they remain warm and cosy all year round. This is great for pigeons, but it means you will have to put up with the noise and mess and also makes the solar panels less effective so you’ll be paying more for energy.

A professional solar panel mesh installation will is a proven and effective way to keep pigeons away from solar panels, it will not compromise your solar panel warranty, and ensures that panels stay well-ventilated and function efficiently.

Pest UK technicians are trained to install solar panel mesh, and have the correct equipment and training to work safely and effectively on most rooves.

Fill in our ONLINE FORM or call 0800 026 0308 for a quote to keep pigeons away from solar panels.

The price varies depending on how many panels there are, the height of the building and accessibility.


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