November Pests - PEST UK

November Pests

In Pests

November pests

Here at PEST UK some of  the most commonly dealt with November pests include flies, ladybirds and rodents. With the warm weather we have had, especially for this time of year, this has resulted in PEST UK dealing with lots of cluster flies and harlequin ladybirds. These are very common during Autumn and Spring, however the volume of jobs this period has been very high.

November pests

Cluster flies and harlequin ladybirds go to similar locations year on year and they are coming into properties to over winter/hibernate. Cluster flies will be seen on windows where they bask in the sunlight and the source will often be the loft. Harlequin ladybirds are also found on windows and their numbers have risen sharply this Autumn. The treatment for both of these pests is the same. The technician will treat windows inside and out with a residual insecticide which can stay effective for up to a month, sometimes even longer.

The technician would also look in the loft and can also carry out a treatment here as well. Either by fogging the area, or using a smoke generator. 

Other November pests

Another pest which has been extremely prominent this time of year is glis glis (edible dormouse). These are primarily found around Buckinghamshire but we have carried out treatments in Middlesex as well. These rodents will often be found in lofts. They can cause lots of damage similar to rats, mice and squirrels. To treat glis glis you have to apply for a licence from Natural England and PEST UK have this licence. We use traps in order to treat an infestation and we then have to keep records of the numbers caught. In High Wycombe we have carried out many treatments this Autumn as they appear to be more and more common.

November pests

As the temperature drops, rodents will be seen more often in peoples homes as they seek a place for harbourage. Rats and mice are the main rodents we find in peoples properties this time of year and into the Winter. These are controlled with rodenticides which are the only way to properly control an infestation. 


The other pest treated this time of year is wasps. The number of calls depends on the weather in the Summer months. Customers that call us with wasp issues often enquire whether its worth treating wasps this time of year. The simple answer is yes. If you are seeing wasps going in and out of a hole then there is an active nest which can be treated. Queens will over winter/hibernate this time of year and they are the only survivors from a nest in the winter. They will often do this in lofts where a nest has been previously.

People often call us and say they have been in the loft to collect christmas decorations and have noticed very large wasps. We will treat these by fogging the loft or using smoke generators and this will kill any in the loft at that time. This will help prevent a new nest being built the following Spring which is why it is worth the treatment. 

November pests


PESTUK are full members of the BPCA, the governing body for pest control in the UK. Using a BPCA member company ensures you have a qualified, fully insured company treating your pest problem.

PESTUK have offices in Oxford, Guildford, Enfield, Shepperton, Wantage, St. Albans, Salisbury, St Albans and Enfield.

Call us on 0330 100 2811 to book an appointment regarding November pests or any other pest problem you may have.


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