Mice in February - PEST UK

Mice in February

In Pests, Pests in February, Rats & Mice

Mice in February

Calls from domestic and business premises concerning mice in February have been on the increase this month. Normally there would be a surge of pest control enquiries concerning mice in late Autumn and early Winter but probably due to this years exceptionally warm Winter weather this hasn’t been the case. This does not mean that there are not many mice about, in fact the opposite. The Winter is a time when the natural food sources start to dry up. These include insects natural and commercial fruits as well as cereal crops. Coupled with the drying up of these food sources comes the die back of vegetation cover. These factors lead to the mice to stop breeding, many will die and others will seek warmer places to go and new food supplies. These factors lead mice into buildings, homes and gardens.
Pest Control Food Premises and Restaurants
Although people are more tolerant of mice than rats, mice carry the same sort of diseases. They can also do the same damage as rats although on a smaller scale. I have seen them chew through dishwasher pipes and cause floods, set burglar and fire alarms off and cause electrical short circuits by chewing through electrical cables. They can also foul water tanks in lofts and some time die in the tank.
For some reason the bulk of the pest control problems relating to rats and mice this month have come from the Hounslow, Bracknell and Reading areas even though PEST UK cover a wide area.
Mice in Winter
To book a mouse pest control treatment, any other sort of pest control treatment or for some free advice then please call us at PEST UK: 0330 100 2811 (local rate) or 0800 026 0308 (free from land lines & some mobiles).
Mice in Winter
PEST UK cover a wide area of England including Berkshire, Middlesex, Surrey, Oxfordshire, Hampshire, Buckinghamshire & West London


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