Honey Bees - PEST UK

Honey Bees:
Bee Control by PestUKNo one likes to kill bees and at PEST UK we will always try and move them where possible. Bees are not protected as some people believe. In fact honey bees are a semi domesticated species. Although not officially protected they (Honey Bees) may only be treated as long as there is no danger of the insecticide contaminating other Honey Bees. This means that the entrance to the nest needs blocking as soon as the insecticide has been applied. This in itself can lead to problems. If the entrance to the nest is in a chimney with a gas flue then it is illegal (and life threatening) to block the chimney. If the nest is in a cavity wall and bees are entering through an air brick and the air brick is blocked off then bees may find another exit and this could be inside the house. Hundreds or thousands of angry bees inside a house will be dangerous. These regulations do not apply to Mason, Mining or Bumble Bees.

Moving Honey Bees

Honey bees can be moved if they are in a hanging swarm. This happens when the hive produces a new Queen and the splits with one Queen leaves with a percentage of the hive and the swarm ‘hangs’ in a bush or tree while scouts search out a suitable place to start a new hive, usually a cavity such as a chimney. The waiting process can take several days and if found in this state can be collected by a bee keeper and placed in a hive. Once the swarm moves into a cavity it is almost impossible to remove them and they have to be left or destroyed. Leaving an active nesting a building is rarely a desirable option. Parasites will feed on wax and honey. The nest produces waste liquid and may also smell.dark_honey_bee_hemberger-1

PEST UK is often approached by beekeepers in Berkshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Surrey & South Buckinghamshire  asking for swarms.

To book a pest control treatment or free advice then please call us at PEST UK: 0330 100 2811 (local rate) or 0800 026 0308 (free from land lines & some mobiles).

Bees – BPCA


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