Food Hygiene Ratings - PEST UK

Food Hygiene Ratings

In PestUK Customer Information

Food Hygiene Ratings from 0-5 are awarded to businesses to reflect the standard of food hygiene on the premises.

We’ve all seen the headlines where a food establishment has received a score of 0. No matter how quickly the business addresses the issues raised (and in some cases they do appear to be minor, petty issues) the bad publicity and negative impact can affect a business for years.

Food Hygiene Ratings

The food hygiene ratings reflect only the standards of hygiene on the premises and are no reflection on the quality or taste of the food being sold. The internet has made it really quick and easy for shoppers to check the food hygiene ratings of most restaurants and food suppliers throughout the UK.

The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of inspection or visit by the local authority. The food hygiene rating is not a guide to food quality, but this may not be evident to consumers..

How are food hygiene ratings calculated?

Food Hygiene Ratings are calculated using 3 separate elements:

  • how hygienically the food is handled – how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored
  • the condition of the structure of the buildings – the cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation and other facilities
  • how the business manages and records what it does to make sure food is safe

All businesses should work towards achieving a rating of ‘5’.

The Food Standards Agency offer a Hygiene Standards search on their website where anyone can find out the ratings for a particular establishment. They have also produced a video called ‘Food hygiene ratings. What’s behind numbers?’

PestUK offer regular Pest Control contracts to ensure that your premises are pest free and your Food Hygiene Rating is not compromised. Give us a call on 0800 026 0308
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