Bed Bugs: Success at PEST UK
In Bed Bugs, Pests in August, Pests in July, Pests in September, Pests in Summer
Bed Bugs: Success at PEST UK:
Bed Bugs are one of, if not the the most difficult insect pest to treat. There are many ways to treat them but in our experience at PEST UK only insecticide treatments work. The reason for this is residuality. The other two methods of treatment involve the use of heat (usually via a steam type treatment) or by freezing, normally using carbon dioxide. This works and kills bed bugs but bed bugs deep inside a mattress, in the structure of a wardrobe, in a television or in a cavity wall will not be effected by these. These two methods of treatments may work in tandem with an insecticide treatment but rarely on their own. These types of treatments have arisen due to the failure of insecticide treatments. The failure is not down to the insecticides not working but down to the lack of preparation. On pest control courses technicians will always moan about the failure of bed bug treatments. Not at PEST UK. Our success rate of dealing with bed bugs in a single treatment os about 80%. We achieve this by being extremely stringent about the preparation prior to treatment. We will not treat unless the clothes in the wardrobes & drawers have been emptied, curtains removed and all objects not suitable for insecticide treatment removed. The rooms to be treated (any rooms that are slept in) must have this prep done and must be clean with the bed stripped. All objects removed must be washed, tumble dried or put in a freezer overnight. If the preparation is not done properly then the treatment will probably fail. The rooms, after treatment should be left to dry off and must be slept in and kept warm but well ventilated. If the occupants are still getting bitten after 3 weeks then another treatment will be needed. As I mentioned earlier, at PEST UK 80% or our bed bug jobs are cleared up in one treatment. PEST UK specialises in these treatments.
To book a pest control treatment or free advice then please call us at PEST UK: 0330 100 2811 (local rate) or 0800 026 0308 (free from land lines & some mobiles).
BPCA Bed Bugs
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